麻煩大大幫忙翻譯 『可以幫我把商品寄到機場嗎』的英文 感謝您!?

2018-01-04 9:46 pm

回答 (5)

2018-01-05 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Would you deliver (send) the goods to XXXX airport?
If possible, please send the goods to XXX airport.
2018-01-05 7:56 am
(Would you please) mail the (package) to the airport ?
2018-01-06 6:54 pm
Could you help me to send the commodity to the airport?
2018-01-04 10:11 pm
Please mail the merchandise(字面翻譯,有點不符實務/機場,快遞只收限定大小非散裝的東西) to the airport. -- 作生意,說請就好了,難道店員有否決權?
Please mail the package(包裹) /luggage(行李箱) / carton (紙箱) to the airport.
2018-01-08 10:21 am
Would you please help me to post that goods to the Pearson Airport ? Yip

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