What magnitude of current produces 1.0 kg of sodium metal in 1 hour?

2018-01-04 6:26 pm
Cont. of the question:
A major source of sodium metal is the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.

The textbook lists the answer as 1.2 * 10^3 A. I need some help getting to this.

回答 (2)

2018-01-04 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Molar mass of Na = 23.0 g/mol
Mass of Na = 1 kg = 1000 g
No. of moles Na = (1000 g) / (23.0 g/mol) = 43.5 mol

Na⁺ + e⁻ → Na
Mole ratio e⁻ : Na = 1 : 1
No. of moles of e⁻ passed = 43.5 mol

Each mole of electrons carries 96500 C of electricity.
Quantity of electricity passed, Q = (43.5 mol) × (96500 C/mol) = 4.2 × 10⁶ C

Q = It
Current, I = Q/t = (4.2 × 10⁶ C) / (1 h) = (4.2 × 10⁶ C) / (3600 s) = 1.2 × 10³ A
2018-01-04 6:29 pm
Ian Ziering

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