Grammar Check please!!?

2018-01-04 1:31 pm
The author Edward Hogan began to describe Lexi’s personality as a free-spirited kind of person, it influenced Daniel to become a free-spirited person. Hogan also does a great deal of symbolism with the characters. You feel as though you are in Daniel’s shoes that is symbolizes you, the reader, and Lexi symbolizes the idea of coming of age. Throughout the book, Hogan is always descriptive about how the environment looks, how it feels, and it really gives you goosebumps because it feels as if you are in the book. Throughout the book, Hogan is always descriptive about how the environment looks, how it feels, and it really gives you goosebumps because it feels as if you are in the book. For example, when Lexi got out of the water after one of her swims, Hogan talked about her shivers, how her lips turned blue, that you could see her breath, and that the temperature was very low. Though Lexi was in love with swimming and couldn’t take a day off.

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2018-01-04 7:21 pm
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This is quite good, but there are several mistakes.
Here is my version.

The author Edward Hogan describes Lexi as a free-spirited person, which in turn influences Daniel to become less conformist. Hogan makes the reader feel like he is stepping into Daniel’s shoes and uses a great deal of symbolism when describing the characters; for example, Lexi symbolizes the idea of coming of age.
Throughout the book, Hogan vividly describes the environment so that the reader feels like he is actually there. For example, when Lexi emerges from the water after swimming he describes her shivering, her lips turning blue and how you could see her breath in the cold air and yet she never misses a day's swim because she loves it so much.
2018-01-04 1:48 pm
His words (The Authors) impacted Daniel in a way that motivated him to also be a free-spirited person - just like Lexi. Furthermore, you, as the reader, almost feel as if you are walking in Daniels shoes.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:02:47
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