How to deal with Psychiatrist digging up my past?

2018-01-04 12:08 pm
Is it me or most Psychiatrist are A-holes. They look down upon you. Force drugs on you, benefiting from Pharmaceutical Industry which generates Billion dollars from the Drugs.
Also even one psych admitted its Pseudo Science.

回答 (8)

2018-01-04 12:34 pm
dont see one if it makes you uncomfortable to see one
2018-01-04 12:11 pm
some can be, yeah
2018-01-04 2:51 pm
They will destroy you w/ psych drugs they prescribe. MAKE u suicidal. Totally ruined my mental/physical health w/drug lithium, that they had me taking 5 years, based upon misdiagnosis. MUCH worse problems than started with. Was having chronic toxicity symptoms which they knew about/ignored. Now I have permanent kidney, parathyroid, hearing, vision damage, etc. Diagnosed osteopenia, 2 in. loss in height, teeth disintegration, etc. from at least one parathyroid adenoma, known to be caused by lithium carbonate. Be VERY careful of these people, very dangerous, these shrinks, especially state-employed ones like mine. VERY incompetent. TERRIBLE diagnosticians. Ur right, they r simply drug pushers for "Big Pharma". They can DESTROY
ur life and I'm REALLY NOT kidding. I'm a dad also, so what they did to me also affected my son's life terribly. Try 2 sue them after they destroy ur health w/these toxic/neurotoxic drugs, see where it gets u. Google psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin (!)
2018-01-04 1:47 pm
Unless you're in the middle of a psychotic episode, they cannot force anything on you. You must give consent. Same with your past. They cannot access any records unless you've given written consent.
2018-01-04 2:37 pm
Don't go to one then.
2018-01-04 12:16 pm
To a degree, psychiatry is pseudo-science. Psychiatric disorders have no pathology and diagnosis is heavily reliant on an analysis of a combination of condition, personality, family history, and personal history. Don't be offended - they need to dig up your past to get an idea of what's happening and where to go from there. As for medication, there are many that can help but they all have side effects. The medications *will* change the patient personality, that's part of the efficacy. Most people diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder tend to deny they have a problem and fight the diagnosis. Self care, patient compliance, and acceptance of condition are important to getting better and moving on. Psychiatric disorders are not curable, only managed.
2018-01-04 12:23 pm
Psychoanalysts are supposed to dig up your past. It's their job. Psychiatrists prescribe drugs. Some of those drugs are amazing! I know people who are bi-polar, who are fine as long as they stay on their meds. But the whole medical establishment in the US relies too much on drugs.
2018-01-04 12:22 pm
They help a lot of people. Some people need meds.

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