Good books for C++/programming beginner?

2018-01-03 9:03 am
I know nothing about programming. I am Completely new. I am a computer science major in college and i will be taking a C++ class in the future but would like to get a head start. What are some books that will help me learn some basics?

回答 (4)

2018-01-05 12:43 am
There's lots and lots of beginner stuff out there, but for the real deal you can't beat Bjarne Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language."
2018-01-04 4:26 am
Like everyone else I'd look at something else like maybe Python these days before C++ but get a beginners' book. Analogy from C++ to some other languages is like driving 18 wheeler semi with manual shifting compared to riding a bus.
2018-01-03 4:29 pm
Is C++ a random choice? you should have a better reason to learn that one or it could be a lot of work for nothing. also, tutorials online aren't a good way to learn C++ - not in depth enough.
2018-01-04 6:02 pm
Many instructors cover plain, pure, venerable C and then move on toward covering C++ in it's full glory.

If you need homework help, I'm available. I help students to learn, not do it for them. I'm a code-coach. I can coach you to dribble the basketball down the court.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:10:59
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