What is your opinion on genetic privacy laws?

2018-01-02 9:23 am

回答 (3)

2018-01-02 9:43 am
i think its a good idea, people need their privacy
2018-01-02 9:35 am
Did you ever see the movie Gattica? It's about the future where some kids are genetically designed and others are just 'accidents'--you get what you get. Of course the 'designed' people get all the good jobs and so forth. There are even alarms that go off when a non-designer person enters a facility meant only for designed people.

The thing is, that future is coming no matter what we do. Eventually someone will figure out a way to edit human DNA and produce designer babies. If we make it illegal here, people who can afford it will go overseas.

I don't care about this because I'll be dead by the time it happens and I don't have kids. I don't care that much about global warming for the same reason. Nothing will happen unless people really want it to happen, and I won't be there to say "I told you so when the tropical hurricane wipes out London or whatever.

But my opinion FWIW is that genetic material and information should be totally private. To me it's like race or national origin. SOME people would dearly love to believe that black people are inherently less intelligent, lazier, more criminal than white people ON AVERAGE. And because of this belief they think schools, for instance, should be able to refuse entry to blacks because they're less intelligent ON AVERAGE even though on an individual basis some blacks may be much more intelligent than the average white person.

in other words, it's a way of justifying and even institutionalizing discrimination and intolerance. Which I think is just wrong.
2018-01-02 9:25 am

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