Will Earth still exist 10 million years from now?

2018-01-02 6:44 am

回答 (20)

2018-01-02 6:50 am
Sure; Earth will.... we may not, however.
2018-01-02 7:27 am
The chances are very good that it will still exist. After all, it has been around for over four billion years so another ten million is not asking too much.

Mind you, the surface of the planet will look quite different without Homo sapiens around to desecrate it.

2018-01-04 4:23 am
Of Course, but not as we know it
2018-01-02 9:08 am
I think earth will still exist. I imagine man won't be here because we will have blown ourselves up long before then.
2018-01-02 8:37 am
Yes, the earth will still be here.
Humans still being here in 10 million years is a totally different question, however.
2018-01-02 6:54 am
Yes, it will.
2018-01-02 6:45 am
Yes but so much will change and humans might not be around
2018-01-02 9:08 am
Yes, but whether human beings or the species homo sapiens will still be on Earth in 10 million years from now, probably not because the species homo sapiens is STILL evolving. Right now we are so fragmented and divisive You never know WHAT might happen either TODAY OR Tomorrow. I've already lost one friend to domestic terrorism on April 19, 1995.

Earth WILL still be here in 10 million years and 50 million years. This is what flat amp of Earth of Earth probably will look like in 50 million years whther human beings are seill here or not.
2018-01-04 3:01 am
Not as we know it now and it will be called, Heaven !!!
2018-01-02 3:32 pm
2018-01-02 7:03 am
No idea I assume so who cares you me and everyone alive will be dead.
2018-01-02 6:45 am
2018-01-04 5:01 am
I hope so.
2018-01-03 11:16 am
yes so much will change
2018-01-03 9:04 am
Earth will still be here. It survived an impact from a Mars sized planet about 4.5 billion years ago. It would easily survive the impact of the moon. All humans on earth are likely to be dead in 10 million years, You will most certainly be dead by then
2018-01-03 3:24 am
That is unknown.
Earth, isolated by itself, would last basically forever (trillions of years) until every proton and neutron of which it is comprised had decayed.
Earth, with the Sun, would last for a couple billion years, until the Sun's expansion POSSIBLY destroys the earth. Right now, it looks like it'll be close between the earth being engulfed by the outer layers of the expanded Sun's atmosphere and merely orbiting at an extremely close distance, possibly turning into lava-ball.
But, without knowing the exact orbits of all the stars capable of reaching the Solar System over the next ten million years, we can't say definitely that the Earth will exist in 10 million years. It may have been destroyed by a star passing close to the sun (not the non-existent Nibiru or any kind of "death star" orbiting the Sun at some immense distance).
But, if I were a betting man, I'd bet that in 10 million years, the Earth will be pretty much like it is now. Whether humans will still be around, or our genetic descendants, is really up in the air.
2018-01-03 3:19 am
A very high likelihood, yes.
2018-01-03 2:22 am
Yes, it will.

Will Humans still exist 10 million years from now? That remains to be seen.
2018-01-02 10:21 am
Yes. We humans may not be here but the Rock will be. Earth will not be completely destroyed until our sun turns into a Red Giant in 4.5 Billion years.
2018-01-02 8:59 am
Probably not

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