I saw it on the labels in many of the clothes I looked at.這個句子中looked at指的是在看什麼? 你的立即回應,不勝感激(正確順序) reply,appreciated,Yours,greatly,will be?

2018-01-01 10:52 pm

回答 (3)

2018-01-01 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
看衣服,your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.
2018-01-02 4:06 am
You are looking at clothes (plural, no singular);
prompt vt--what prompted him to write ?
prompt adj--a prompt reply.
no Yours.
Hence:-eg:-Your "prompt" reply will be greatly appreciated.
2018-01-04 3:48 am
I saw on the labels in many of the clothes I looked at yours reply will be greatly appreciated. Yip

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