Compare the oxidation number of sulfur in the following molecules and ions: (F) SO2Cl2 (G) HSO3?

2018-01-01 9:48 am

回答 (2)

2018-01-01 10:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oxidation number of O = -2
Oxidation number of Cl = -1

For the neutral compound SO₂Cl2, sum of oxidation numbers = 0
(Oxidation number of S) + (-2)×2 + (-1)×2 = 0
Oxidation number of S = +6

"HSO₃" does not exist. It should be "HSO₃⁻" instead.

Oxidation number of H = +1
Oxidation number of O = -2

For the HSO₃⁻ ion carrying 1 negative charge, sum of Oxidation numbers = -1
(+1) + (Oxidation number of S) + (-2)×3 = -1
Oxidation number of S = +4
2018-01-01 10:08 am
(F) SO2Cl2 6+
(G) HSO3 5+

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