Why does LG still use 60hz for their new 4k TVs instead of 120hz?

2018-01-01 9:20 am
I was on their official website looking at all their 4k TVs and all the different models from mid range to high range, 43 inches to 70 inches and they all said that the refresh rate is 60hz (trumotion 120)... Isnt 60z a little outdated??? Shouldn't all 4k TVs be at least 120hz nowadays ???

回答 (2)

2018-01-02 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't see much use for that except for gaming. Most TV shows still look better at 60Hz - the 120Hz "effect" just looks weird.
2018-01-03 5:28 am
No refresh rate can become "outdated".

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