我的標題寫錯了 應該是更正時態才對 當我們年幼的時候,我們總是想做一件事,而且我們相信我們可以做到最好。 這就是為什麼我們曾經那麼努力! Could you please help me correct my tenses? Thank you!
謝謝大家 Simon 你的回答超棒 我是想說 When we were kids, we always had only one goal at a time and we'd believed that we could do it best. (we'd believed that we might be the next superstar of something in the future.) That's why we tried so hard! 我是看到Feng E馮羿對烏克麗麗的熱情讓他成為了大明星 我猜想他第一次學習烏克麗麗的時候可能也是覺得自己努力練習就會成為和他的偶像一樣厲害的人 所以我猜是這樣的信念讓他比一般人還要努力地練習烏客麗麗 我說是我猜的是因為我小時候也曾經這樣想 有些人會覺得別人的夢想不切實際或自以為是 但我覺得越吸引人的夢想就越能給人力量去努力
抱歉我上面又寫錯了 我真正的意思是要這樣 (我剛想了一下才寫出來 本來要分成兩句我合成一句) 就是這樣 當我們年幼的時候,我們常常會有一件想要一心一意地去做的事,而且我們總是相信我們能成為最棒的。 When we were kids, we had been constantly bent on something, and we had always believed that we could be the best. 那才是我們最有成就的時候! That is the time when we achieve the most! 我猜這次應該都有對吧?
還是....? When we were kids, we "were" constantly bent on something, and we had always believed that we could be the best.
我覺得應該是were 因為我是說小孩先覺得自己可以當最棒的以後 才什麼都想嘗試努力做做看 如果兩個都用had 那就變成小孩先努力嘗試 後來才認為自己可以當最棒的 那樣就跟我原本想講的信念沒關係
When we were kids, we had been constantly bent on something, and we had always believed that we could be the best. 這個感覺後面應該少一句話 可能是 Until ........... 直到我遇到什麼事 When we were kids, we were constantly bent on something, and we had always believed that we could be the best. 這個感覺比較像一句完整的話 對不對?
謝謝你的誇獎 讓我很開心 其實我也是先想中文 想到 "一心一意" 然後再用字典翻譯成英文 謝謝你的補充 因為我已經忘記determined這個字了!
你回答得很用心 非常感謝