What do you do when you think a person shouldn’t be driving?

2017-12-31 4:36 am
So my friend just recently turned 16 and drives a lot despite not having a license. Which is not that uncommon where we live because it’s a small town. But lately she’s been scaring me. She sends us videos WHILE DRIVING of her going nearly 90 in a 65 zone. Now while I hate speeding and think it’s stupid, I know it happens a lot so that’s not the complaint. My concern is that she is endangering herself and others in two ways. She’s going way over the speed limit increasing her chance of a crash AND is on her phone while doing it! She’s even taken a video while driving when her mom was in the car before she even got her permit. I don’t doubt that she’s a good driver but to me doing unnecessary dangerous things doesn’t seem smart. And she’s not only endangering herself, she’s endangering other people! I know many people who’ve lost family members do to another driver. I have tried so many times to tell her that what she’s doing is so dangerous but she laughs and calls me granny. Apparently going the speed limit makes you a granny. Do I just let her continue to make this mistakes?

回答 (14)

2017-12-31 5:39 am
Let's put it this way...

(1) The number one cause of teenage fatalities worldwide is car accident

(2) Most insurance companies will not cover an accident if the driver is unlicensed, even though the car may be insured.

(3) If she's caught by the police, she will be ineligible for a license until age 18

(4) If she causes a fatality she can be tried as an adult and jailed for manslaughter

(5) Please don't be tempted to ride with this idiot. Next time you know she is out driving illegally, call the police with the make, model and license number of the vehicle and her last known route. That will put an end to it.
2017-12-31 4:51 am
After she kills someone and you realise that you could have prevented that, how are you going to feel?

You know what to do, you’re just scared by the realisation that it may cost you a friendship to do it. Welcome to adulthood where doing the right thing can have a price.
2017-12-31 5:12 am
Since her mother doesn't care, perhaps you should talk to your local sheriff and tell him your concerns, maybe after she gets her first ticket, it will open her eyes.

YOU just may save her life, or someone elses by doing that.
2017-12-31 4:38 am
Report her to the local police. Tell them exactly what you've said here. They can keep an eye out for her and stop her if they see her.
2017-12-31 5:12 am
We had a fellow who would tear along the Interstate at about 110 miles an hour. He did it at the same time every day. we told the cops to keep an eye out for him, and we never saw him going that fast on that road again.

Your friend needs to have the police give her an Official Safe Driving Lesson.

Sometimes it is almost impossible. One of our friends drove like that, but felt it was just fine because his dad was a cop. He wiped out on a tree at 90 miles an hour. He's no longer the vivacious person he used to be, more like a turnip, but still alive. One of us should have ratted on him.
2017-12-31 4:45 am
Tell the police asap !
2018-01-02 11:25 pm
Your concern is admirable, but should be followed by action. Someone ran into me at a 4 way stop, next to a bus stop with kids while driver was on the phone. There were 4 witnesses. Police showed up and she denied it, but he checked her phone as witnesses said she was driving w/phone. She got multiple tickets. #1Being wreckless driving. Her insurance company paid all the damages.
Here's what I recommend.1st report her via 911. That's what happens in the real world. Or at least take the evidence to police. Don't wait for her to have a wreck and possible kill someone, including herself. You could be the person she runs into.
2018-01-05 1:00 pm
there are numbers to call for dangerous drivers I do not know where you are so can not give a #. Call your local non emergency police number and get the reporting number for bad drivers. And report her giving the information the police say they will need. She is not a good driver and needs to be taught how to be safe.
2018-01-04 10:20 am
I know this sucks because she is your friend, but you need to report this to the police. She may get pissed off with you, but would you rather have an angry friend or a dead friend?
2018-01-04 2:08 am
Tell your parents and talk it over with them first.
2018-01-01 5:10 am
Report her to the police. Eventually she will kill someone. If you don't report her, that person's blood will be on your hands.
This isn't a case of "someone who shouldn't be driving" it's reporting a dangerous criminal.
2017-12-31 6:07 am
If this is true you need to anonymously report her car make and license plate to the police as a dangerous driver.
If you don't, and a child or old person who can't get out of the way gets killed, then you'll never forgive yourself. She won't have any insurance either so who pays the bills?
2017-12-31 5:37 am
you know the car she is driving and when

phone the cops the registration and tell them the driver dont have a license, is on the phone right now and is sending you a video (if you can then record the video)

(personally I dont give a f//k is she kills herself (just one less idiot on the road)- what matters are the people she might kill in the process)

Last thing
NEVER EVER get in a car when she is in the driving seat - A car stops to let her drive?- get out and stay out (phone somebody or a taxi to pick you up)

Dont get this bit
"I don’t doubt that she’s a good driver"
so you think that a 16 years old driving @ 90 in a 65 zone AND sends texts/videos at the same time is a "good" driver?
If so I would strongly suggest you review your definition of "good" - cos the one you got now is sh//t
2017-12-31 4:44 am
You don't do nuffin. She'll get caught by someone with a badge, and they'll take care of it.

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