What's the difference between all values at which g has a local maximum and all local maximum values of g?

2017-12-31 1:38 am

回答 (3)

2017-12-31 2:11 am
• all values at which g has a local maximum
This is the independent variable's value .ie x

• all local maximum values of g
This is the dependent variable's value .ie y or g(x)

2017-12-31 2:31 am
Suppose g(x) = cos(x).

All the values at which g has a local maximum is the set of all multiples of 2pi. X={x| x=2p, p is any integer}
All the local maximum values of g are 1. There is only one maximum value, repeated infinite times.
2017-12-31 1:39 am

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