想請問要求飯店 「這間suite的大床可否改為2床的英文」 要怎麼說 謝謝?

2017-12-31 12:04 am

回答 (2)

2017-12-31 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
king-size(d) ,adj. (in advertising, etc.) larger than normal; very large; king-size bed ;
A suite is a complete set of matching articles of furniture:-a dining-room suite with tables,chairs, sideboard, lounge, bedroom,,sitting -room,a bathroom etc. in a hotel
Could we replace the king-sized bed with a 2x smaller beds in this suite ?
2017-12-31 12:58 am
Can we replace the king side bed with 2x smaller beds in this suite?

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