He was so happy while his childhood? 請問這個句子可以這樣寫嗎?

2017-12-30 7:31 pm

回答 (4)

2017-12-31 8:25 am
so---adv of manner;so-----that,--->>with the intent that, with the result that ; in a way that:-
For the complement of be , seem , feel ,"very" is used.
while---period of time ; for a long while ; for this long while past ; for a while ; in a little while ; soon ;
eg:-It so happened that he was (very) happy (no while) in his childhood.
eg:-He had a happy childhood.---have used in the past tense=had
eg:-He was very happy in his childhood.
2017-12-30 8:48 pm
He had a happy childhood.
2017-12-30 9:28 pm
while 通常指不長的一段時間,如童年長達數年,不是合適的用字。
He was so happy (when in) his childhood.
2018-01-01 4:51 am
He had been so happy during his childhood. Yip

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