Does this guy like me or is he just being nice?

2017-12-30 1:11 pm
Two of my co-workers/awesome gal pals have seen him looking at me.He told one of them that he enjoys working with me. He enjoys teasing me. In which he his quite playful and he constantly makes me laugh. I also, playfully slap or punch is arm sometimes. He even once told me that he wants to see me get mad. I am assuming he enjoys my feisty side. He has told me that I am nice. Also, complimented me on my cheerfulness, my language skills and my generosity. One time he and I had locked eyes and it was intense. I felt like I could feel his energy. I looked away for about two seconds, but, I did glace back up, touched my hair and smiled shyly at him. A month ago I was sick and he told the same gal pal, "V, must not be feeling so well."
"I hope she gets well soon,please send her my well wishes."
When I returned to work he asked if I was feeling better, I had told him yes, he smiled at me, and said "Good." He remembers little details from previous conversations and my little quirks. He caught me biting my lip, and proceeded to tell me I do that when I am fustrated.I notice when I gently caress his arm, he has a sweet smile on his face. I like the fact he is a gentleman as well. He has held the door open for me and others. It's really attractive and nice to see in this day and age. We also have similar taste in music too. I was pleasantly surprised to find out he like old school, for example Earth, Wind & Fire, and hip-hop/rap, like D.J. Quik.

回答 (1)

2017-12-30 1:45 pm
I don't know...only way is to ask. It could be the case that he just helps anyone. I do all of that for my friends and anyone else, provided they have not earned my animosity...

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