How many time clear my credit card ?

2017-12-30 4:55 am
I receive wellfare 633$ i live with my mother.

I need to pay my smartphone $50, my licence plate $18, my car insurance $24, the fuel for my car is arround $40 for Toyota echo.

And food grocery $40-50

I have little debt on my Visa $1211, my minimum is $65.

My bank says 7 year for clear my credit card.

It is possible clear fast this sold?

回答 (7)

2017-12-30 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are a moron parasite.
2017-12-30 5:29 am
If you only pay the minimum amount due on a credit card it will typically take 7 to 10 years to pay it off.

Ideally you should pay the outstanding balance in full each month. If you can't do that, you should at least pay no less than 10% of the highest balance that was ever on the card. That way you can usually pay it off in 1 year or less.
2017-12-30 5:15 am
It is possible clear fast this sold? This question doesn't make any sense...but English probably isn't your first language.

Yes, if you only pay the minimum, it might take 7 years for that debt to just pay more than the minimum...
2017-12-31 6:23 am
not likely
2017-12-30 12:09 pm
You need to pay more than the minimum each month or it will take years to pay off the current balance at $65 per month. The interest just keeps adding up. Get a part time job and pay everything you make on the credit card balance each month to get it paid off as soon as possible. Either that or start getting rid of things you don't need like that expensive cell phone, until you get ahead.
2017-12-30 6:05 am
With the numbers you gave, it would only take 3 months to clear your credit card debt.
2017-12-30 5:41 am
you need ADDITIONAL SOURCE OF INCOME to live better. Can you do any kind of work ?

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