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Barack Obama studied at Columbia University. He graduated with a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Political Science in 1983.
歐巴馬大學就讀於哥倫比亞大學,於1983年取得證政治學(Arts degree in Political Science)學士學位.
During 1988–91, Obama studied at Harvard Law School.
Obama 於1988~1991 就讀於哈佛大學法學院。
President Obama attended several different primary schools when he was younger.
Obama 年輕的時候,就讀過好個小學。
He attended Santo Fransiskus Asisi Catholic School for 1st, 2nd, and part of 3rd grade;
他在1,2年級及部分三年級就讀於Santo Fransiskus Asisi 天主教小學;
an Indonesian-language government-run Besuki School for part of 3rd grade and for 4th grade;
部分三年級及四年級就讀於政府經營的印尼語Besuki 小學;
and Punahou School starting in 5th grade.
從五年級開始,Obama就讀於Punahou 小學。