Take my own appartement is good?

2017-12-29 5:46 am
I live with my mother on welfare too, because schizophrenia.
I'm on standard welfare 633$ a month Quebec welfare
I have 22 years old man,

I would like my appartement, i live in Trois Rivières. Appartement very cheap example $ 450 for 4 1/2

I have debt on my crédit card Visa $ 1300 i pay the minimum

Take my own appartement is good? Or clear sold of credit card before?

回答 (4)

2017-12-29 5:54 am
Could you afford to live on $183 to pay electric, gas, insurance, food, clothes, socialising and credit card every month?
2017-12-30 1:33 am
You would never get approved. You basically get in welfare just enough to cover rent, you have other expenses. A landlord will never approve someone who can just afford the rent
2017-12-29 12:09 pm
Make a budget with how much you would spend on each thing (rent, utilities, food) a month and then see if it fits.
2017-12-29 5:57 am
You don't make enough to get your own apartment. There are other expenses like utilities and food. If you only pay the minimum on your credit card, it will take forever to pay off. You need to pay that off before you even think of getting an apartment.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:01:25
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