Will the NFL ever recover from the devastastion set forth by black, racist, anti-American players taking a knee during the National Anthem?

2017-12-28 9:38 pm

回答 (18)

2017-12-29 9:01 am
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THe mud people bring-down society wherever on earth they soil.
2017-12-28 9:43 pm
They got a whole hell of lot of other issues besides that one impacting them. Many parents, even those who played, are no longer allowing their kids to play. Many cities/towns are looking at banning contact football. The less youth allowed to play, the smaller the talent pool moving forward. While it may not be an issue now, two decades down the road it will seriously start impacting the game.
2017-12-28 9:56 pm
No, the NFL is already sunk for anthem kneeling, on top of other problems. Sponsors are pulling the plug,
All those greedy bitchy millionaire jock itches, are going to have to sell their mansions and Bugatti's.
2017-12-29 2:34 am
The problem is people like you who do not want to hear anyone elses side of something and just make assumptions. The number of players kneeling is minimal, the reasons they are kneeling are rooted in police corruption and unfair treatment under the law and the goal of a protest is to get under your skin so clearly its working. The ratings hits the NFL has taken are not a result of people not watching, but every single year October NFL games are spanked in the ratings by baseball, and every 4 years are even more so hit by election coverage...that and not every single week are there games that millions of people want to watch. So sorry but your jumping to conclusions
2017-12-28 9:58 pm
where I work you can not be political ...... football players are at work when on the field ... if they wish to make a statement they should find another place to do it
2017-12-29 6:03 am
The NFL is doing fine and will continue to do so
They are still the most popular and profitable of all major sports
The idea that the NFL is in trouble is just another example of conservative FAKE news
2017-12-29 9:52 pm
People like u is the reason they do it. To combat ignorant little basement dwelling neckbeard redneck Hicks
2017-12-29 10:22 am
Financially the NFL is doing well.
2017-12-29 7:13 am
And to think they’re spitting on the veterans and their families who lost their limbs and commit suicide from ptsd!!! While making millions!!!! And STILL **** down their mouths while they drive back to their mansions in sports cars to make sweet sweet love to their model wives!!!! The gaul :) they don’t care about those people as long as their life is amazing and feel like important big powerful men supporting their black cause screwing their own league in the process :)
2017-12-29 4:12 am
I don't know if they will or not and neither does anyone else.
2017-12-29 2:31 am
You sound like a triggered snowflake who hates freedom of speech.
2017-12-29 4:41 am
You mean from the National Anthem whose lyrics originally said,

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave.

In other words, Key was saying that the blood of all the former slaves and “hirelings” on the battlefield will wash away the pollution of the British invaders. That stanza whoever you were was omitted from the stanza we now sing.


Why don't you people recall the Whitney Houston's singing of it in Super Bowl in 2002 which was overly powerful and leave it at that.
2017-12-29 4:01 am
White power☆☆☆
2017-12-28 10:12 pm
No, and they don't deserve to.
2017-12-30 12:54 am
2017-12-29 12:37 pm
Y who answered this is spot on.
2017-12-29 9:28 am
It would add a lot to the credibility to the sport (which, I know, is a business) if the league were not so greedy. Maybe we should try having municipal or regional ownership so the league wouldn't have so many rich people to please.
參考: Troy
2017-12-29 12:52 am

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