should i leave neutral or negative feedback for this ebay seller?

2017-12-28 7:11 am
almost 2 weeks still didnt get my item, seller wouldn't respond to any emails, right after i said i was going to open a case he sent it out and promised me he would refund the shipping cost once i got it. after i received it i wrote back nicely reminding him of the refund and no response from him at all about the refund he promised to give

回答 (5)

2017-12-28 7:19 am
A delay of over two weeks and persistently ignoring emails deserves a negative.
2017-12-28 11:47 pm
tell the truth.
2017-12-28 9:27 am
I would not give negative feedback so easily, it hurts a person's business. If he is a big retailer you cant expect a prompt reply. Check his other history of feedback and see if there is a pattern to his business practices. There can be extenuating circumstances and he may have had bad dealings with buyers. So dont be hasty to ruin his reputation. It happened to me by a bad buyer. You can also call Ebay and see if they can explain it. I would like to know if seller did not ship it, or did the post office not scan it for 2 weeks, and is seller in another country?
2017-12-28 7:37 am
I would give him a negative feedback, he kind of stole your money in a sense sooo...
2017-12-28 7:17 am
ebay will refund your money. After everything is cleared and settled, leave negative feedback. Typically, the seller has been removed by ebay.

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