
2017-12-27 5:37 pm
本人是香港人, 男朋友是巴基斯坦人, 他的visa已經過期,返唔到去基斯坦,他同我講,我有兩個方法, (1) 我以sponsor 人身份申請佢來港? (2) 同佢結婚, 佢話可以有朋友幫佢帶文件過來香港, 我地填左之後, 佢朋友帶回巴國辦手續. ?

他的visa已過期, 回巴國要坐監嗎??

他在巴國有個孩子, 已離婚, 但我可以如何証實他是單身?

請各位好心人幫幫忙, 解答我的疑問, 謝謝!

回答 (1)

2017-12-27 6:42 pm
Totally B.S.

1. You can't be a sponsor until the relationship can be officially verified. In short - without the marriage, no sponsorship.

2. The urgency is in Hong Kong, no Pakistan. So not sure why the urgency with any Pakistan processes.

3. No. His problem is with Hong Kong, not Pakistan.

4. For non-Muslim, divorce decree.

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