Why does my job call me on my days off?

2017-12-27 1:28 am
My job always calls in or texts on my days off. Even on my days I’ve told them on unavailable they just NEED and extra person that day or someone called out. I’m always he first person they call. I just so happen to be sick today and I’m debating whether or not to actually respond to them Bc I really don’t want to get out of bed today. I work in a deli so it wouldn’t be hygienic of me to go and prepare everyone’s food either. Does anyone else have this problem. What should I do if this keeps happening? I have a life outside of work too!

回答 (9)

2017-12-27 2:43 am
It is normal for retail businesses to call employees who are not scheduled to work if they need to replace a worker who is scheduled. That does not obligate you to take the shift. If you are sick, you should not go to work. You should respond to the message so they can keep looking for a replacement.
2017-12-27 1:57 am
You are first on the list because you usually say yes. Say no a couple of times and you will move down the list. It will eventually result in less pay for you...if you are ok with that.

A parallel for you: if you always ask the same friend for help and they say yes, they will be your first call. If they stop saying yes, you will try someone else and eventually, this person will become your last resort.
2017-12-27 11:43 am
When they text you call and tell them you are unavailable to come in. You just say that, I'm sorry I'm not available today.
2017-12-27 6:56 am
You're doing a good job, you're the first they call. If you're unavailable don't answer your phone.
2017-12-27 5:58 am
You can say no once in a while, specially if you're feeling sick or if you've made plans in advance.
You must be a good worker if you're the first person they keep calling. Or you're always accepting the shifts when they call.
If some one calls out then they have to call some one else in, even if you're not scheduled to work.
2017-12-27 5:49 am
you should always not answer the phone on your days off if you don't want to work
2017-12-27 5:40 am
It's nothing personal. Perhaps your name is the first alphabetically. They call everyone on the list till someone is available. If you don't want to go in just say you are not available. What's the problem?
2017-12-27 3:39 am
They know you have a life. It doesn't mean that you aren't available and don't want to come in when you can. You should respond. If you are able to go in, respond and go in. If you don't want to, tell them you are with family at a family gathering and its not possible at this time, or something else believable. Sometimes, a white lie is necessary.
2017-12-27 2:04 am
Tell them you are sick, and not available TODAY.

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