Why is it so difficult for many Christians* to understand/accept that atheists really don't believe that god(s) exist?

2017-12-25 1:41 am
*this also applies to some people who believe other religions.

I asked the same question yesterday but it somehow offended someone and they got it deleted:

回答 (7)

2017-12-25 1:44 am
Because its utter Bull-stuff

you deny God because you are afraid of God and the accountability and Justice he represents

but if you really didn't believe you would not be here constantly denying

The person who constantly has to deny a truth is evidence the truth does not fall to your denials

How man denials of the tooth fairy, Santa Claus et all have you made in the last year? and how many of God.

Case closed
2017-12-26 9:14 pm
Doubtful if most Christians even concern themselves with that.
2017-12-25 2:07 am
Many Christians having difficulty have an “experience” of God. It’s very real to them. They don’t understand/accept that their experience of god is a function of their brains only, and has nothing to do with the external world.
2017-12-25 1:45 am
Honesty has no role in the life of the average christer.
2017-12-25 6:29 am
As a Christian, I fully understand that atheists don't believe in God. What I don't understand is why they continully visit this site to tell me. It makes me think that perhaps they are unsure.
2017-12-25 3:01 am
Prove that it's "many." None of the Christians I know give any thought to whether atheists believe.
2017-12-25 1:44 am
An act of our God continues to make it difficult.
參考: The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:51:51
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