If I stop texting a guy that likes me, will he miss me?

2017-12-24 8:42 pm
Okay, so we definately like each other. We have told each other that. We’re really close and we talk all the time, I’m usually busy so I take hours to reply but he replies instantly, and we hang out quite the bit in school, and a little outside of school. Yesterday he came into my work to hangout with me for 2 hours, and he told me he likes hanging out with me and talking to me. Last night we had a really deep and personal, sexual conversation and he seemed really interested in it. He told me he really missed me to and he wanted to have me there, and that he never felt this way about anyone.

Anyway, I have to go up to my camp for 2 days and there won’t be any service there so I can’t text him. Will this make him miss me? What should I text him as a goodbye text?

回答 (3)

2017-12-25 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yeah he'll probably think about you a lot and miss talking.. just send him a message saying you won't have service the next 2 days so you'll talk to him when you can.
2017-12-24 11:01 pm
You should text him: I have to go up to my camp for 2 days and there won’t be any service there so I can’t text you. Will reach out when I return.
2017-12-24 9:15 pm
He might lose interest too.

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