22 year ans never work what to do?

2017-12-24 10:42 am
I am on welfare now and i dont love this. I prefer work at any place, minimum salary.

The welfare office obliges me to do formations that I do not like, no interest. I prefer work at burger king, McDonald's etc..

I meet an agent immobilier employment,
did my cv according to his tastes, superfluous decoration with word.

The best way for fond job is go my self, agent no help me. the agency asks me if I already have to work, I answered no? I felt he laughed me

回答 (6)

2017-12-24 10:48 am
How have you made it through the years?
2017-12-25 12:25 pm
Your English needs to be better.

Go out and apply for a job position.
2017-12-25 12:24 am
get any job you can, save your money to be able to get some education in a trade job that you can do and will pay more
2017-12-24 12:30 pm
Most people would find it absurd - wasting 22 years of your life on welfare. I am surprised that they keep paying you to survive. It's abuse. Regardless, I admire you for wanting to work but, given that, why aren't you working? If you want to work so badly, you should be working. Go and apply to ALL of the fast food places within an hour's drive from where you live. If you take the bus, apply to every place accessible by bus.
2017-12-24 11:22 am
try going to places and asking if they have any job places available, and if so try picking up a job application form
2017-12-24 10:52 am
Well then go and apply for work, wtf is the problem? If you are mentally disabled like you sound, research jobs online in your local area that hire people like you.

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