Are there more Anglicans or Catholics in Australia?

2017-12-22 11:02 pm
Also, why does the media always point out the sex scandals carried out by Catholic clergymen and not those carried out by Anglican clergymen and clergywomen?

Would you believe I once saw Jesus Christ in the nigyt sky when I was a little child?

回答 (7)

2017-12-24 6:04 am
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there are more Catholics than Anglicans, I think the sex scandal's has to do with Anglican ministers are allowed to marry where Catholic priests are not
2017-12-23 1:54 am
22.6% of people in Australia are Catholic.
13.3% of people in Australia are Anglican.

The media points out the sex scandals carried out by Anglican clergy as well.

I would believe that YOU BELIEVE that you once saw Jesus Christ in the night sky when you were a little child.
2017-12-22 11:08 pm
>>Would you believe I once saw Jesus Christ in the nigyt sky when I was a little child?<<

No, I would not but thanks for asking and have a happy holiday!
2017-12-22 11:07 pm
25.3% of the overall Australian population is Catholic which make it the largest religious group in Australia.

So it is about the same as the United States
2017-12-23 12:41 am
Go to Wikopedia they tell what religion the people are. Even gives the amount in each country, state and city.
2017-12-23 3:17 pm
The media does report and expose both equally. It's just that at the end of the day anglican incidents are 1/10th the number of the catholics. And many of those are not necessarily clergy, but peripheral people (eg private school teachers).

Catholics are almost double the number of anglicans in australia. So even adjusted to a 'per capita' figure, the catholics are still streaks ahead in the dodgy goings on! They just have more fodder for the media.
2017-12-22 11:03 pm

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