Since Democrats are losers and support losers, is it any surprise we got that tax bill passed?

2017-12-21 4:21 am

回答 (9)

2017-12-21 4:36 am
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2017-12-21 4:22 am
Then how come you couldn't get your health care bill passed?
2017-12-21 4:23 am
We? You sound like you aren't even old enough to vote.
2017-12-21 4:27 am
The crowd chose Barabas over Jesus
2017-12-21 4:27 am
I have never supported a candidate who lost the general election. Except Al Gore and he didn't really lose.
2017-12-21 4:26 am
Unless you're part of the GOP in Congress or the 1% who paid for this legislation, you aren't part of the 'we' that passed this tax bill. If your net worth is less than around 100 million, the GOP will coddle you for votes and then piss on you once in office.
2017-12-21 4:26 am
It surprised some. So far, Trump does not have a great track record, so the passage of this bill was important and they went at it to get a win.
2017-12-21 4:22 am
like moore and the guy Ralph Northam ran against?
ohhhh yeaaa, reallllly losing it....
2017-12-21 4:28 am
Yes, because Republicans are all stupid and it's amazing they didn't stab themselves to death with their own pens while trying to sign the bill. It's amazing they could take the time off from beating their wives and raping children to even attend congress.

So, how does it feel engaging in politics on the lowest possible level Johann? What exactly do you get out of it?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:53:31
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