我朋友4 年前同係福建同個男人假結婚 而家個男人想申請落黎但佢怕比人追到所以唔想做好想問係咪一日唔申請佢落黎係香港就冇犯法的唔再結婚就冇事?

2017-12-21 1:29 am

回答 (2)

2017-12-22 8:23 pm
But the marriage was in mainland
2017-12-21 6:33 am
The answer is no.

Regardless immigration benefit is claimed or not, a fake marriage can be still prosecuted as soon as the marriage ceremony is performed in Hong Kong.

(Marriage in Hong Kong requires swearing to an Immigration Department personnel.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:17:01
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