Now that Disney have bought a lot of Fox channels are all the TV channels going to end up in their hands?

2017-12-20 10:57 pm
If you think about it, Fox is one of the strongest TV corporations and if someone like Disney who just before 2000 year bought some media corporations it wasn't a big player in the media segment but now it seems they want it all, cinema and TV, maybe they'll monopolize the Internet too.

Do you want that'

回答 (3)

2017-12-21 5:35 am
Disney is remarkably and unmistakably American in culture. There shouldn't be a monopoly, but having a strong Disney input into everything from news to movies doesn't hurt. It's a good influence.
2017-12-20 11:29 pm
Maybe it's true that Disney owns most of the channels in whatever country you're from, because it's clear you're not American, but in the United States, that isn't even close to being the case. Disney doesn't have any kind of monopoly or even anything approaching a monopoly. Even in broadcast, which has far fewer channels than cable, the Fox network is the smallest of the four huge broadcast networks that compete for market share.

Right now, the antitrust issue that is being debated and that the government is weighing in on isn't with Disney and Fox but with AT&T and CNN. That's because AT&T, unlike Disney, actually is a telecom company and so actually does own significant interests in the Internet in addition to its television network holdings. That wouldn't be an issue except that AT&T is proposing a merger with Time-Warner, which, like AT&T, owns a whole host of television networks and, like AT&T, provides Internet services to millions and millions of Americans. It's being debated that AT&T and Time-Warner merger is a monopoly forming in news media across television, print, and Internet, so the US may withhold its approval of that merger unless AT&T gets rid of CNN as television is still where Americans primarily get their news, though the Internet is quickly catching up and is expected to soon surpass it.
2017-12-20 10:59 pm

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