
2017-12-19 11:30 pm
1. 若我想說「我在會計工作很勤奮及得到前主管們的讚賞」,我英文能這樣寫嗎(不用完完全全中英對照,意會到即可):
I was diligent in my accounting work and my performance was recognized by my previous managers.

2. 工作態度英文是?Work attitudes? 或是Working attitudes?

回答 (3)

2017-12-20 9:04 am
I am diligent in my accounting work
my performance is an impressive one
recognized by my previous department heads.
Besides, I have a positive working attitude(towards my accountancy)
2017-12-20 12:25 pm
1) Being working as an accountant, I had been highly recognized by my last superiors in rank; 2) The behaviour towards working.
2017-12-20 12:15 am

I can say I am diligent in my accounting jobs and my performance *has been recognized by my previous department chiefs.

Besides, I promise to keep up my positive work attitude.

P.S. 用 現在完成式: 表示 您勤奮 良好的工作表現 "一直"備受認可。

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