I Want to get into the t shirt making industry what is the cheapest beginner equipment I can buy?

2017-12-19 9:51 pm

回答 (5)

2017-12-19 11:36 pm
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A silk screen, which is a wooden frame with a mesh inset (not necessarily silk). There was a time when all T-shirts with images were silk-screened. One of my kids made Game of Thrones silk screen Ts and sleepwear for us using a silkscreen she made for around three or four dollars. Later she made us mastodon stuff. I still wear both, and this was more than ten years ago.

Practice on scraps or the backs of old T shirts until you get good at it.
2017-12-20 12:47 am
Shirt making? Or shirt printing?
Shirt making is where you take a roll of fabric and sew a shirt.
Shirt printing is where you buy shirts in bulk and print a design on it.
2017-12-19 11:21 pm
A good iron, a printer with color ink, and iron-on transfer sheets. That is the best and cheapest way to make shirts. Won't cost you much, and you can up-charge to get your money back, plus make a profit.
2017-12-19 10:12 pm
when it comes too that their is no such thing as cheap equipment and i know as i did it as a full time job for 10 years and that stuff is super expensive
2017-12-19 10:05 pm
This is interesting,

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