How do I get mod podge out of a sponge brush that’s already hardened?

2017-12-19 9:01 pm

回答 (4)

2017-12-19 9:36 pm
Since Mod Podge is water soluble, you just soak the brush's bristles, keeping the ferrule (the metal band) and the handle out of the water. In a half hour it should be soft enough to scrape off with your fingernails.
2017-12-20 6:48 am
You can't.
2017-12-20 4:30 am
Since sponge brushes are super cheap just toss it and buy a package of new ones.
2017-12-19 9:37 pm
soak it in gas.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:51:55
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