A simple sentence: it’s deadly, but I can’t catch the meaning here. please help, thanks very much.?

2017-12-19 5:38 pm
Ted Talk – Happy map – Delivered by Danieie Querica
The last sentence of Danieie Querica’s speech: it’s deadly, seems simple, but I can’t catch the meaning here.
I’m English learner, your answer would be much appreciated.

Excerpted partial sentences as follows:
This AR (Augmented Reality) gadget provides its viewers with an immersive experience
It's a media satire in which a real person doesn't know he's living in a fabricated world.
Perhaps we live in a world fabricated for efficiency.
Look at some of your daily habits, and as Truman did in the movie, escape the fabricated world. Why?
Well, if you think that adventure is dangerous, try routine.
It's deadly.

回答 (2)

2017-12-20 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's deadly means that something is more than dangerous, it could kill you. In this context though I do not think the meaning is meant to be literal.
2018-01-06 2:58 am
I just searched for Truman and have known that he was put and lived in a reality show with many actors until he found out that he'd been living in an artificial world. After he knew that, he risked his life to sail across the sea even though the producer created a storm to try to scare him back into the fabricated world.

Adventures are dangerous, but routines are deadly.

That's why Truman was determined to sail across the sea despite of a dangerous storm.
I'm not sure what the speaker is really talking about, but I think when you don't know what is true and what is false, you don't feel safe.

(I'm not sure) The speaker may be talking about her observation of the life. Are we just human slaves for the authority? Efficiency is good. All men needs to be efficient. In my opinion, when someone is tired of his/her current situation, there's a sense of self-doubt growing inside him/her. And he/she will try to find a way out. All the routines, what things to do, and how things should be done, are doubtful. Am I really doing the things I need to do? Maybe thinking through and trying a different way will make me better.
People think they are robots when they are not doing what they want to do. The Chinese phrase is called 行尸走肉.
我不知道你有沒有曾經覺得學校或公司像是監獄一樣的感覺 你不想待在裡面但你卻被強迫每天要待在裡面 或是你不喜歡某堂課 但你卻被逼要坐在教室裡2個小時

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