where can i sign up to receive free toys in return for a review?

2017-12-19 4:06 pm
i've seen people that make videos on Youtube from free toys they receive to try out with their kids and in return they give feedback (a review).

回答 (4)

2017-12-19 4:49 pm
If you want to receive free toys for review you need a following so that the company giving you the toys will know that your review will help their product make more sales. Once you have a following try sending out emails to some small businesses offering to review a product or if your following is large enough they may even approach you. Most might have an affiliate link so that any time a viewer clicks your link and purchases a product from that seller you get some of the proceeds.
2017-12-20 12:56 am
Yeah most companies won't send out products for review if you don't really have a following. Generally speaking, a lot of the reviewers you see who get 'free' products had to start off by buying them with their own money. As they got more subscribers/views, companies saw that their videos were popular enough and would consider sending them products for review.

You can try contacting the HR department of the companies you're interested in, but more likely than not, they won't send you anything.
2017-12-19 11:56 pm
I want a you tube Channel where Mafell sent me toys to test, try out and advertise in use :D

I've been told this isnt as good as my Craftsman saw ..........:P

I can beg.
2017-12-19 5:49 pm
Most of the sites are a scam

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