My vagina is really itchy?

2017-12-18 7:29 am
The bottom part of my vagina ( by the whole the penis goes up to put it bluntly) has been itchy for a few days, it doesn’t bother me until it’s bothered itselfs, but it’s been bleeding a tiny bit like spotting what do you think it is

回答 (3)

2017-12-18 7:33 am
Itching is typically a yeast infection (bleeding can occur due to skin irritation) - but only a doctor could confirm diagnosis.

Irritation around the vaginal opening can occur if you've been having vaginal sex or masturbating vaginally without enough lubrication, or if you use tampons (especially rayon brands, too high an absorbency, or if not alternating with pads often), which may explain these symptoms too. An over-the-counter yeast infection cream would help with yeast infection and irritation.

FBI Files: Candidiasis, AKA, Yeast Infections -
2017-12-18 7:38 pm
Yeast Infection.
2017-12-18 7:58 am
Sounds like an infection.

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