Please can you simplify this text?

2017-12-17 6:29 pm
When he saw from the signature that it was the letter of a lady, his surprise led him to read it more eagerly … he said he would never have believed it to be your work unless I had assured him of the fact, and he began to praise it in the highest terms … for its pure Latinity, its correctness, its erudition, and its expressions of tender affection. He took out at once from his pocket a portague [A Portuguese gold coin] … to send to you as a pledge and token of his good will towards you

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2017-12-17 9:56 pm
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When he saw, by the signature, that the letter had been written by a lady, he was so surprised that he read it with great interest...he said that he would not have believed that it was written by you if I had not told him so. He praised your letter very highly...because of its pure style of Latin, its accuracy, its display of knowledge that has been gained by study, and its expressions of loving affection. He immediately took from his pocket a portague [a Portuguese gold coin] send to you,
which he meant to be regarded as a sign and a symbol of his friendly feelings towards you.

[This is an extract from a letter, written by Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) in September, 1522, to his daughter, Margaret Roper, regarding his showing of a letter of hers - written in Latin - to John Veysey, Bishop of Exeter.]
參考: Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England: 1550-1700. Ed. Elaine V. Beilin.
2017-12-22 8:54 am
Sixty-six words going to 112 words? That's simplified??

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