想請問訂餐廳的英文 當對方跟你說 窗邊位置只剩2人位時 我想用英文回 「那不一定要窗邊位置 給我ㄧ般四人位置即可」請問這句英文怎麼說,謝謝?

2017-12-16 11:00 pm

回答 (3)

2017-12-16 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just arrange common four seats will be fine, no by the window needed. Thanks!
2017-12-17 10:04 am
That's fine.Not necessary to arrange the window seats.
Won't you give me an ordinary four seats ?
2017-12-17 12:33 pm
I want a table for four whether it is by the window or somewhere else. Yip

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