Thanks Gary, may I ask you if it is okay to seek advice from bar association to check the invoices? We are paying $4700 for the lawyer and $2700 for the assistant. They increase the fee by $100 each period without notifying us. If like what your said they are incompetent, is there anything we can do at this stage? We worry that they may play tricks if we are going to take actions to against them..please advise..
Thanks again. 我地真係冇辦法,但又唔想阿爸辛辛苦苦儲返黎D錢比哂個律師用哂去不斷睇資料(張張單咁寫),又不斷咁就修改申索書係咁比對方堂費同律師錢。而家又唔知幾時完。睇到我爸爸自己有病又唔睇醫生,又從來冇享受過,但係又咁比律師咁攞法,想睇下有冇其他辦法。。
Thanks again for your generous help. We received another invoice, again paying to the lawyer for the time reading information..this is like never ending and keeps going on and on. my dad is 60+, and mum has diabetes..what would you recommend if you were in this situation? X'mas