If the Brexit referendum was redone would you change your mind?

2017-12-16 10:15 am

回答 (19)

2017-12-16 11:06 am
I dont live in England but would vote for it just to get rid of the EU regulations and stop immigration.
2017-12-16 12:25 pm
No, NEVER, I would still vote leave.
2017-12-16 6:57 pm
I would vote this time and I'd vote to remain.
2017-12-16 11:52 pm
NO I voted remain
2017-12-17 1:13 am
Still vote leave.
Short term shock but long term prosperity.
2017-12-16 6:31 pm
No, voted leave and would vote that way again.
2017-12-18 6:16 am
No way. Farage is spot on. And he knows; he is IN that den and nest of vipers called 'EU Parliament' and exposing it and its mafia-like leaders for who and what they are.

I hope the EU crumbles sooner rather than later - as it ultimately will - and, assuming they are still alive when it does, those leaders should be hanged, drawn and quartered. Britain joined a common-trading market with the EU. Since then the country has signed up to all kinds of other nonsense that the public were never consulted on or listened to. Ever heard of the 'Lisbon Treaty' ?
2017-12-17 11:35 pm
I voted Leave. I admit that I have had occasional doubts about it since and have wondered whether I ought to have abstained, but nothing would induce me to vote Remain. The moral case for leaving is just as strong now as it was then. From the point of view of national self-interest, the economy, trade, environmental standards, and so forth, the consequences are unpredictable, but I don't believe it will be a disaster - after all, people said that about the national minimum wage and they turned out to be wrong.
2017-12-17 1:12 pm
No.Leave means Leave and the quicker the better!
2017-12-17 2:24 am
I might switch to leave
2017-12-16 7:34 pm
If it will be redone after March 2018 I will be old enough to vote remain. I didn't vote in the first referendum because I was too young to vote.
2017-12-16 7:31 pm
2017-12-16 8:11 pm
No. I was one of the few oldies who voted to remain.
2017-12-16 11:20 pm
No and I certainly would not vote for the idiots who have the fate of the UK in their hands.
2017-12-17 7:51 am
No. Voted Remain.
2017-12-17 10:36 pm
Yes I would not vote for it unless it contained an order for death to prostitutes
2017-12-16 3:41 pm
2017-12-17 12:25 am
No, I'd still vote to stay in the EU.
2017-12-17 6:53 pm
Don’t know and I don’t care, it’s not my problem.

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