What Is going on here? Is it stage presence or strong presence or something else??? Please help!?

2017-12-15 12:27 am
So basically there was a school fashion show and I was A model. People came up to me after the show and said that I have 'insane' stage presence. But what does it mean, when there were tons of other models just walking down the catwalk like me. Nothing special I did. Anyways when I go to clubs I start dancing (sometimes on stage) and people literally scream at me and put there hands out wanting to touch me- like I'm some type of celebrity. I'd get lots of people coming up to me saying that I'm an amazing person and hugging me. And all my friends were like 'Emily you seem to have a lot of fans'- literally all I do is dance like nobody is watching me or without a care in the world. Again nothing special. When I'm not dancing ppl watch me & compliment me etc- both guys & girls. Even at school theatrical plays when I was like 10, people remember my performance and talk about it, like it was yesterday & I'm 19 now. I got this guy who told me he was in total awe when I begun dancing in the club and was looking up at me starstruck. I must say that my fashion is unique, so people at clubs do say they like what I'm wearing, but I could be wearing jogging bottoms & look plain,but ppl still notice me easily than others who look better!
Seriously what is going on? I just do what I do and don't think much of it! I feel like I'm doing what everyone else is doing. But clearly not, as people seem to point out something different. Thank you for your answer!

回答 (2)

2017-12-15 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
It just means that you move well - nothing more.
It certainly doesn't mean that you can act, if those comments date from nearly ten years ago! Many kids act well on a childish level - very few of them have real talent as an adult.
However, it does sound like you're a bit of a show-off, much too well-pleased with yourself, and are far too concerned about how you appear to others.
In the great scheme of things, that doesn't really matter.
Are you a good, kind, intelligent person? That's what really counts.
2017-12-15 12:45 am
S h I t question mate

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