What does "doing something with a flourish" mean? Here is some context below.?

2017-12-14 4:55 pm
I swing the door open, and he gives me a sheepish grin as he presents a gift with a flourish.

回答 (5)

2017-12-14 5:05 pm
Doing it to attract the attention of others.
2017-12-14 4:58 pm
He's presenting the gift with a showy display, something that stands out and evokes emotion. Google the definition of flourish to understand it better. Here's the most relevant definition as per your example:

1. a bold or extravagant gesture or action, made especially to attract the attention of others.
"with a flourish, she ushered them inside"
2017-12-14 11:09 pm
showiness of some sort, like a bow and a wave of the one arm while offering the gift with the other hand like it was holding a platter of gold with the gift on it. Flourish pretty well refers to that arm wave, like signing your name with a flourish would mean you end it and kind of wave your arm into the air with the pen after you finish. If you ask someone to come in with a flourish, the idea would be that wave of your arm toward the inside of the room or house, "C'mon in".

The basic idea, though, is a use of the arms, head, body, to provide some floweriness, some show, a lot of emphasis, to whatever it is you are doing.
2017-12-14 11:08 pm
Making a big deal out of something simple or routine, meaning dramatizing or exaggerating whatever (words, reaction, expression, movement, etc).
2017-12-14 5:36 pm
An exaggerated movement.
Such as a very low bow, or a big wave of the arm when gesturing towards someone/something.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:07:24
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