Do you agree with trump going after our national parks for oil extraction,logging etc like he just did to bear ears (a sacred Indian land)?

2017-12-14 5:19 am
What crazy logic will contards use to defend trump on this issue. Are you proud of him for kicking native Americans in the *ss one more time after he hung up a picture of Andrew Jackson at a tribal ceremony was that ok with you also?

回答 (9)

2017-12-14 5:21 am
There's no such thing as "public land." There's either private property or government property. The less property the government owns, the better.
2017-12-14 5:24 am
depends.... was that land made a "national park" by a previous president in order to score empty political points at the cost of our energy independence and untold job losses?

....was it done to drive up the cost of oil so that president and his party could receive large cash kickbacks?

oh wait... you think that all parks are magic places where cute bears in ranger hats frolic with animated blue birds...don't you...

how cute....
2017-12-14 5:21 am
If you want to protect land because you think it's "sacred" then I don't give a damn. Screw you and the fake hoodoo and juju you believe in.

Separation of church and state, b*tches!
2017-12-14 5:50 am
Why not?
We the TAXPAYERS own this property, don't we?
Logging help forest to regrow.
Also, cuts down on wildfires by clearing debris.
Nobody is calling for "clear-cutting" National Parks.
2017-12-14 7:15 am
He has not said a single thing about going after National Parks.
2017-12-14 5:23 am
That is my feeling. He is Republican and rich also and that is a bad combination. Those like him try to help the 1% all they can.
2017-12-14 5:27 am
No, of course I don't agree with trump turning our national parks into a profit playground for industries like oil, logging and chemicals.
2017-12-14 5:26 am
No. Trump is out to destroy the country by polluting it.
2017-12-14 5:26 am
Its ok only if you drive cars or pickups around.

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