What happened to the Republicans?

2017-12-13 8:34 pm
Since last November, all they could say was "You lost, get over it. Stop crying." Now that they lost an election, all they can do is cry and whine and complain.

Guess what. YOU LOST! The people of Alabama have spoken!

回答 (10)

2017-12-13 8:35 pm
Uh, the house and senate still belong to the Republicans and your Russian dead horse is , well, dead. Oh and Trump is still your President, snowflake.
2017-12-13 8:45 pm
Please link us to where any Republican is "crying".

And I've not seen one cry on this forum.

Help us out and show us the links where Republicans are marching in the streets. Crying "he's not my Senator". Breaking windows and burning cars.
2017-12-13 8:49 pm
We are not the ones that need trigger warnings. There are no cry rooms for us, and we don’t need diapers and safety pins to display our solidarity.

We also don’t need stuffed animal toys and hot cocoa to soothe ourselves. That was liberals and democrats when trump won and is still winning.
2017-12-13 8:45 pm
How rich that is - AnOnYmOus claiming Jolene to be a snowflake, while at the same time crying unconsolable tears due to the failure of Roy Moore to win the election in Alabama. Republicans are such hypocrites and the biggest snowflakes around. There are so many of them, they have become a blizzard. Here is a pic of their Snowflake in Chief
2017-12-13 8:43 pm
Yesterday the whole state of Alabama were child molesters, today you love the child molesters. Franken's hopes are dashed, I guess you will have to get a new demonrat to fill his seat.

Update: I get it, you are a lone wolf that belongs to no one. and to answer any question of yours We must research all your comments and questions. What a wanker you are...
2017-12-13 8:36 pm
It's very very funny who's the sore loser now?
2017-12-13 8:57 pm
It's another part of their well-documented hypocrisy.
2017-12-13 9:09 pm
I've heard literally 0 Republicans complain about this loss.

Are you writing an alternative history novel or something?
2017-12-13 10:32 pm
yes the sane people have spoken but it still is disturbing how many people voted for Moore
2017-12-13 9:06 pm
They are being exposed for what they really are.........

Narcissist, racist, warmongering, with superiority complexes. Who tries to justify, deny, and fortify their evils with Christianity and nationalism............

People are waking up to their bs....like Trump is the lesser of 2 evils.......

Evil is evil..........there is no lesser degree.

We are tired of their ghettorization of the of the political system by their party.

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