Guitar Learning?

2017-12-13 10:40 am
Hello, I ve been playing Guitar for at least a year now, but I haven t seen much improvement from where I ve started. I have guitar class in school, it was relatively easy and didn t teach me much. I ve only been learning to play by tutorials/tabs made by someone else. I m in between decent and mediocre. Where can I really start to learn how to play guitar. I don t believe there are any guitar classes near me.

回答 (3)

2017-12-13 12:11 pm
You should get lessons with a professional guitar teacher. Also, forget about tabs - tabs are for people who want to pretend to play the guitar.
2017-12-13 11:12 am
There are TONS OF LESSONS on YouTube.
Getting better is going to rely on you understanding exactly what you're doing when you're playing a scale or constructing a chord. That's delving into music theory, and one of the best guitar books I've ever read that talks about these things is "Everything About Guitar Chords" by Wilbur Savidge (I haven't read "Everything About Guitar Scales," but I'm willing to bet that it's just as informative).

A lot of famous guitarists in the world are just really good at playing scales. They use the scales as a transition between chords and it makes for a great effect when it's done well. If you get Savidge's book, it demystifies a lot of what's going on when you're playing the guitar, and with practice (try to follow along with any guitar solo you can find and just keep hammering at it until you're able to play along in real time) you'll be miles ahead of where you are right now.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:50:22
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