Most poor people have no one to blame but themselves. Many seem to have plenty of cash for beer, cigarettes, lottery tickets, tattoos, and other things. They don't even attempt to put anything aside for a rainy day.
The easiest way to make voters slit their own throats is to give them a hatred for the poor. Convince them that the poor are all lazy worthless crooks and moochers, ripping us off. The real truth is that it's the RICH who are stealing us blind. But rednecks will never see that so long as they're filled with irrational hatred for the poor and minorities.
Tell us how you have helped them so we can all do the same. Taught them your trade? Taught them some other skills? Helped them find a job? Put them thru school?
Do you use self check out? Do you shop wal mart? I don't because I want to help people to get employed.
I was dirt poor. Ate from dumpsters, years without electricity and heat. A man taught me his trade and that's all behind me. A Republican man if it matters to you.
Documentary "poverty inc" is a show you should watch. Have you taught a man to fish? Or do you feed him fish when you say he can eat? Free stuff is not helping anyone.