Why were the reindeers mean to Rudolph?

2017-12-12 9:28 am

回答 (9)

2017-12-12 10:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
He had a red nose, they was discriminating against him because of his nose color
2017-12-12 9:38 am
Rudolph was an alcoholic. At least every time my nose turned red I was drunk
2017-12-12 9:48 am
He was different from the rest of them
2017-12-12 9:44 am
His nose so bright
2017-12-12 9:35 am
He was a prettyboy
2017-12-12 9:35 am
Because he has a big red zit on his nose.
2017-12-12 9:31 am
Because they are liberals and Rudolph is a conservative.
2017-12-12 9:30 am
Because he had a red nose and was different
2017-12-12 9:54 am

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