I want to die but dont want to hurt my family?

2017-12-11 4:32 pm
I'm 16. Been diagnosed with severe clinical depression, PTSD, Severe Anxiety. I've been using cannabis to numb the pain that I have gone through. I know im to young. I dont care. I forget about everything when I use it. Thats besides the point. I got expelled from my school. I have no friends at my new school. I'm really socially awkward. I have frequent suicidal thoughts( Every day ). Both of my parents are users of hard drugs. I have frequent thoughts of jumping off of the bridge I cross every day on my way to school - into the highway. I have 0 motivation to wake up in the morning and do good in life. Only thing stopping me from killing myself is that I love my family to much to do it. But it's so hard on me. Havent had a girlfriend in 5 years. I'm pretty unattractive. Everything in my life went to ****. I just want to die. What should I do

回答 (8)

2017-12-11 8:33 pm
Fight it don’t quit see it as a challenge
2017-12-11 8:06 pm
People get over their family members deaths, it's not like they are going to stay sad.
2017-12-11 8:02 pm
Schedule a follow-up visit with the doctor that diagnosed you with these conditions and show them what you have written here. Use that as a basis for having a frank discussion on how you are doing. They can do a full physical and neurological workup to see if anything has changed since your last one. They can evaluate your current treatment program and see what options are available to assist you. They will also want to discuss these options with your parents.
2017-12-11 6:22 pm
idk, but you wanna try have some fun or listen pop music could be more worthwhile then just chatting about death
How about eat an ice lolly or ice cream pick a thing you like and enjoy the view when you walk in a park or in a city
2017-12-11 5:07 pm
listen to me.... think about everyone you know in your life, even the people you think give a sh*t about you. people you might not even know but they know you... you will regret this decision. I read a story about a guy who survived jumping off a building and he said in an interview that the second he jumped he started freaking out and he instantly regretted it.

you said you have no motivation, how about this. Is there anything in life that you enjoy? Any hobbies? if there is, pick that one thing and MASTER IT. become the best that you can possibly be at it, be so good at it that you could be in competitions. be so good at it that people are jealous of you. you can be anything you want in life, nobody can stop you. Literally nobody, you may not believe that but it's true. Nobody can stop you from being whatever you want.

people who don't know me would consider me a low life I don't do much. But I find joy in Little Things everyday.
2017-12-11 4:57 pm
Hi so if you where under some misguided illusion that smoking weed was going to improve things it will not. it will make the depression far much worse. it will increase it when you try to stop taking it. so what an idiot.
2017-12-11 4:52 pm
You're only 16, not having a girlfriend or other friends is not the end of the world, millions or people around the world are just like you.
You use cannabis and your folks use hard drugs - not a very good example for you to follow. I suppose you already know that cannabis is a major contributor to the symptoms you are describing, did that cause the behaviour which got you expelled from school? You are old enough to take some responsibility for your own lifestyle and behaviour , do not be tempted into following their example .
Chucking yourself off a bridge is not the way to go. Just think of the consequences. Not only might you not be dead but only severely injured, what about the drivers below? You could kill someone's father/mother/husband/wife/child as well.
Find something worthwhile to do with your life, continue to study, find a job, volunteer, stop the cannabis use, get out among people and friends will find you. .
2017-12-11 4:33 pm
Do nit hurt yourself

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