Math graph, Please help :<?

2017-12-11 12:51 pm
Math graph, Please help :<

回答 (3)

2017-12-11 1:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
OK, here you go sweetheart :)

We are given μ = 154, σ = 5.34

Hint : Use the standardization formula
z = (X - μ) /σ

P(157 < X < 167)
= P[(157 - 154)/5.34 < z < (167 - 154)/5.34]
= P[0.5618 < z < 2.4345]
≈ 0.2797
≈ 27.97%.

Hence , the required probability rounded to 4dp is ≈ 0.2797.

Hope this helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. (Don't forget to vote me best answer as being the first to correctly answer your question!) ☺
2017-12-12 5:47 am
i speak italics
2017-12-11 1:56 pm
YAY! Thanks :)

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