please help?

2017-12-11 3:45 am
A galvanic (voltaic) cell consists of an inert platinum electrode in a solution containing 1.0 M tin(IV) ion and 1.0 M tin(II) ion, and another inert platinum electrode in a solution containing 1.0 M cobalt(III) ion and 1.0 M cobalt(II) ion, connected by a salt bridge. Calculate the standard potential for this cell at 25 °C. Standard reduction potentials can be found here.

回答 (1)

2017-12-11 4:17 am
Refer to the above webpage for the standard reduction potentials.
Different answer may be obtained when different source of standard reduction potentials is used.

Sn⁴⁺(aq) + 2e⁻ ⇌ Sn²⁺(aq) …. E° = +0.15 V
Co³⁺(aq) + e⁻ ⇌ Co²⁺(aq) …. E° = +1.82 V

Refer to the standard reduction potentials. Co³⁺ ion is a stronger oxidizing agent than Sn⁴⁺ ion.
Hence, Co³⁺ ion undergoes reduction to form Co²⁺ ion, and Sn²⁺ ion undergoes oxidation to form Sn⁴⁺ ion.
The overall reaction is :
2Co³⁺(aq) + Sn²⁺(aq) → 2Co²⁺(aq) + Sn⁴⁺(aq) …. E°(cell)

Standard potential for the cell, E°(cell)
= (+1.82) - (+0.15) V
= +1.67 V

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